Ministries We Recommend:


Sovereign Grace Fellowship

The statement ‘Serving God by serving His churches’ is not a catch phrase or an empty promise, but a rallying call to action. There is a pressing need for local churches to intercede for the needs of other churches. We recognize the autonomy of the local church and act only as enablers to facilitate their efforts. The SGF offers a framework through which churches can regularly interact, benefit from shared times of fellowship, and be blessed through the gifts the Lord has granted to each of our churches.

Grace Pastors’ Fellowship

Grace Pastors Fellowship seeks to create an opportunity for pastors, church leaders and interested church members to meet and examine selected topics relevant to the church today. A main goal will be to instruct in ministry and doctrine and apply it to everyday life in a Biblical manner. In addition, time will be spent in prayer and fellowship. We will strive to bring Reformed thought to bear on these subjects and generate ongoing growth among our pastors and church members.

Toronto Baptist Seminary

At Toronto Baptist Seminary, we believe God’s inerrant and infallible Word, the Bible, is the rule for all of life and faith, and the principal means by which the Holy Spirit transforms lives so that the Lord Jesus Christ might be glorified and adored. We aim to train and mentor pastors and Christian workers who have a passionate love for the triune God and a solidly Reformed understanding of His Word.

Carey International Pastoral Training

Carey Outreach Ministries and Carey International Pastoral Training began in 1997 through an invitation from Romania to train spiritual leaders. Since then, Carey has rapidly expanded globally in response to the desperate need for solid Biblical training. We are a cutting edge ministry, not content to work in places where theological resources are readily available. Instead, we advance by faith into sometimes difficult countries such as Nepal, Mongolia, Cuba and Egypt, spreading reformed truth in areas without established theological training centers. Our passion is to encourage, equip and empower spiritual leaders who influence hundreds of churches and many thousands of people. Soli Deo Gloria. Opportunities to bring theological education to new areas are continually knocking on the Carey door. We hope by God's grace to see theological schools planted in many other needy areas of the world in the years ahead.

Atwell Centre

At the Atwell Centre, we empower women and men through hope, compassion, and information. We are a medical, educational and support centre for women and men facing unexpected pregnancies, post-abortion realities and questions surrounding their sexual health. We believe that women and men should be empowered to make the best decision they can with the best evidence-based information available.

Carey Conference

The Carey Conference started in 1971, and has continued every year since then. The conference is open to both men and women involved in Christian ministry and church leadership. Our aim is to encourage one another as we seek to grow in godliness, to build the church, to reach our generation for Christ, and to enlarge our vision for international missions.

Over the years we have enjoyed excellent ministry. At each conference we like to have opportunity to enjoy the preaching and teaching of God’s word, to reflect on theological and doctrinal matters, to learn the lessons of church history and biography, and to consider practical and pastoral issues in church life. In all of the ministry we seek to be contemporary, and to look for application to current issues, so that we go back to our ministries envigorated and better equipped to serve the Lord in our generation.